Primeiro de tudo quero pedir desculpas pra todo mundo!
Sei que esse nao eh o blog mais visitado na face da Terra mas tem algumas pessoinhas q entram pra saber como estou e nao tenho postado nada!!!
Eh que passei por umas semanas "TRASH", muito dificeis mesmo, a saudades tava imensa, nao parava de doer, e dava a impressao que 1 ano longe ia ser uma eternidade e adaptacao, tava dificil, a comida muito diferente, os costumes, os horarios, abrir a porta da geladeira rsrs, enfim...
Agora estou bem, nao vou dizer que a saudades acabou, aff, longe de acabar, ela cresce cada dia mais, mas de uma forma diferente, escondidinha no fundo do coracao e em forma de doces lembrancas e de vontade de estar perto, mas me sinto forte e protegida ainda pelos meus pais, minha tia e pela Marcy e muito acolhida pelas minhas irmas, muito amada pelo meu namorado e muito querida pelos meus amigos de la, daquele pais maravilhoso, do Brasil.
Arrumei varias amigas aqui, claroo que a maioria eh brasileira, ate porque tem gente melhor??rs
Mas amigas de verdade, como a Laura, que tenho certeza que mesmo depois dessa louca experiencia de vida acabar vai ser sempre minha companheira, a Karissa que vai me levar pra conhecer a Africa do Sul, a Fany e a Karlinha que farao do Sul do pais lugares melhores, a Ligia que me lembra sempre que Sao Paulo eh quem governa o pais rsrs, a Adele que vai me levar pra Nova Zelandia e assim vai....e eh isso que tem feito dos meus dias melhores e mais divertidos, me lembrando toda hora que esta eh uma oportunidade unica de vida e que tenho que aproveitar muito e tirar de cad momento o melhor de tudo!!!!
E nesse clima de aproveitar tudo, comecei a ir no City Tavern, em Old Town Manassas, tem muito velho la galera super engracadooo, mas o pior nao eh isso, o pior eh o jeito que a galera danca...para todos aqueles que acharam que o Funk, o Axe, ou qlq outra danca tipica nossa era obscena eh porque nunca viu neguinho dancar aquii, soh falta a gnt olhar e dizer "get a ROOM" hahahahaha, traduzinho "vai pro Motel", sim pq a cena eh feia mas a gente se diverte neh soh olhando e fazendo o maior sucesso com o jeitinho brasileiro de dancar soh mexendo o quadril =)
logo chega os caras e perguntam "da onde vcs sao" e a gnt responde "I don`t speak english, sorry" pra eles logo sairem de perto, porque olha o povo aqui eh conversador, e bastante amigavel, mesmo vc dando fora eles continuam a conversar sobre a cerveja, o carnaval, o Rio....hahaha...as perguntas de praxe neh?!
Esse fds vou pra DC....Washington DC.....baladinha basica la, dai conto tudo depois, porque dizem que o povo danca pior la que no City Tavern, ui que medo!!!!
Depois conto tudo como foi....
Prometo postar pelo menos uma vez por semana, agora que to bem e to sentindo que tenho novidades otimas pra contar vou escrever sempre.
Hoje falei do City Tavern, depois conto da escola e dos rolinho que arrumamos la com a francesa =p, a facul, a familia, a rotina, ixiii tem coisa pra contar!!!!!
First of all, I want to say that I`m sorry for everybody!!
I know that isn`t the most visit blog in the Earth, but I konw that still has some people hom come here to see what I`m saying about the things and I`m saying anything.
It`s just that I pass for a few weeks very sad, very hard, the homescik was too intense, it doesn`t want to go away and 1 year seams to be forever and be here as my home was too hard, differnt food, different time, open the refrigerator door lol, so....
Now I`m great, I wont say that I don`t miss my family and friends, its far away that get over, I miss everyday more, but in a different way, very hide on the bottom of my heart and they are in the shape of a sweet memory, and with the desire to be closer, I`m feeling stronger and protected more for my parents, my aunt and Marcy, very accepted for my sister, very loved for my boyfriend, and very loved for my friends from there, that wonderful country, Brazil.
I get new friends here, of course the most of them is brazilian, tehy are the best??lol But real friends as Laura, that I`m sure that after all this crazy experience will be my girlfriend forever, Karissa that will show me South Africa, Fany and Karlinha that will make South more warm, Ligia that always make me remember that Sao Paulo rocks, Adele whom will show me New Zeland and a lot of more....that is the things that make my days better and more fun, and remember that this is a only chance in a life time and I have to enjoy this a lot and make this the best.
And with this thought I start to go to City Tavern, in Old Town Manassas, it has a lot of old people there, very funny, but the worse part is not that, its the way that the people dance....for those hom thought that funk, Axe, was obscene, its because never saw those kind of people dancing, we almost can say "get a ROOM", translating....hahaha....yes its a ugly scene but we have fun, just looking and making sucess with a brazilian way to dance with the hips =) The guys came to us and we just say " I don`t speak english, sorry" the only way that they go away from us, because the people here likes to talk, even saying that they keep talking about the beer, the carnival, Rio, hahaha the usual questions about Brazil.
This weekend I`ll go to DC.....Washington DC....dance, I tell for you guys everything latter, because they say that they dance there worse than city Taver....uii scared!!
I`ll tell after....
I promise to put here more notices, at least once in a week, now that I`m great and that I have wonderful new to tell, I`ll writ always.
Today I sayid about City Tavern, after I`ll tell about school, and the things that happened with a french girl =p.. College, family, schedulle, ishiii there is a lot of thogs to tell.
Love U Guys.....Miss U Always....
I know that isn`t the most visit blog in the Earth, but I konw that still has some people hom come here to see what I`m saying about the things and I`m saying anything.
It`s just that I pass for a few weeks very sad, very hard, the homescik was too intense, it doesn`t want to go away and 1 year seams to be forever and be here as my home was too hard, differnt food, different time, open the refrigerator door lol, so....
Now I`m great, I wont say that I don`t miss my family and friends, its far away that get over, I miss everyday more, but in a different way, very hide on the bottom of my heart and they are in the shape of a sweet memory, and with the desire to be closer, I`m feeling stronger and protected more for my parents, my aunt and Marcy, very accepted for my sister, very loved for my boyfriend, and very loved for my friends from there, that wonderful country, Brazil.
I get new friends here, of course the most of them is brazilian, tehy are the best??lol But real friends as Laura, that I`m sure that after all this crazy experience will be my girlfriend forever, Karissa that will show me South Africa, Fany and Karlinha that will make South more warm, Ligia that always make me remember that Sao Paulo rocks, Adele whom will show me New Zeland and a lot of more....that is the things that make my days better and more fun, and remember that this is a only chance in a life time and I have to enjoy this a lot and make this the best.
And with this thought I start to go to City Tavern, in Old Town Manassas, it has a lot of old people there, very funny, but the worse part is not that, its the way that the people dance....for those hom thought that funk, Axe, was obscene, its because never saw those kind of people dancing, we almost can say "get a ROOM", translating....hahaha....yes its a ugly scene but we have fun, just looking and making sucess with a brazilian way to dance with the hips =) The guys came to us and we just say " I don`t speak english, sorry" the only way that they go away from us, because the people here likes to talk, even saying that they keep talking about the beer, the carnival, Rio, hahaha the usual questions about Brazil.
This weekend I`ll go to DC.....Washington DC....dance, I tell for you guys everything latter, because they say that they dance there worse than city Taver....uii scared!!
I`ll tell after....
I promise to put here more notices, at least once in a week, now that I`m great and that I have wonderful new to tell, I`ll writ always.
Today I sayid about City Tavern, after I`ll tell about school, and the things that happened with a french girl =p.. College, family, schedulle, ishiii there is a lot of thogs to tell.
Love U Guys.....Miss U Always....
3 comentários:
Amiga obrigado por ter lembrado de citar meu humilde nomizinho aqui no seu Blog...
E com certeza nossa amizade nao vai ser so de um ano nao... Pode ter certeza....
E eh nois em DC sabado.... kkkkkk
Te adoro.
oi ju!!!!!
estou feliz mais feliz mesmo em saber que vc esta bem ai... e vc sabe que pode contar comigo sempre!!!!
te amo muito mais muito mais que chocolate vc nem imagina rsrsrsrsrs
beijinhos Marcy
tee amoo demaiss..saudadess semprêe néeH.?!?!
ee qlq musika novaa me mandaa..koapsdkpoaskdpoaksdska...
...nãoo viivo seiim voocêe..*
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