segunda-feira, 26 de maio de 2008

Memorial Day Holiday

Bom meu feriado eh ate que bem longuinho...entoa talvez comente ele em 2 posts =)

Ele comeca na sexta-feira, com uma crise de saudades de casa, que logo depois de falar com a mamae e com minha host tudo se acertou, entao fui toda alegrinha fazer meu teste no DMV. Estava bem tensa pra variar....posso estudar horrores e chega na hora fico tao nervosa =P

Fiz todos os testes e.....PASSEI!!!!! \o/

Nossa fikei super feliz, tao feliz que nem liguei pra foto horrorosa que eu tenho na carteira, nossa to mtoooo mtooo vermelha sei la eu porque. Fui correndo mostrar a minha carteira pra Laura e pros hosts dela, afinal eles me aturam todos os fds!!!!

Em seguida corri pra casa pra mostrar pros meus hosts q ficaram super feliz por mim...acho q o q me deu sorte foi o beijinho da Alicia me dizendo Good Luck Juliana =)

Meus nenens foram no medico e tomaram 4 vacinas cada....estavam com a perninha toda roxa q dozinha.....

Eles entao foram pro lago e eu queria estreiar minha carteira de motorista, fiz a Laura nao dormir e ir pro Irish Pub comigo, dai todas as meninas foram tambem, foi muito legal, rii mtooo!!

Tinham varios meninos bonitinhos pra Paty e pra Ayala paquerarem...rsrs....mas o ponto alto da noite foi a bebinha!!!

Essa eh uma menina q bebeu tanto q caiu sozinha do repente a gnt tava olhando ela tava beijando um cara e de repente....ela desmaiou...caiu...bateu a cabeca e cortou bem feio...comecou a sangrar...dai chamaram os bombeiros....a policia e tudo o mais...dai aquele climao no Pub todo mundo vendo como ela tava e tal....e as meninas paquerando os bombeiros....iuhauishuaihsuiahiuas...depois dessa fomos ate embora neh!!!!!

Mas que papelao o da menina...saiu do PUB de maca pq os paramedicos disseram q ela bebeu demais e nao sabia o que ela tava sentindo de verdade!!!!

Dormi na Laura e fomos pro Lago.....como o lago foi bem divertido e a historia eh longa e esta super tarde vou deixar pra contar no segundo post....espero q ainda essa semana!!!!!


Well, my holliday was a long one, so maybe I`ll tell in 2 posts =)

It starts on friday with my crise of homesick, but after I spoke with my mom and with my host mom everything was alright, so I went very happy to take my test on DMV.

I was very nervous as usualy....I can study hard but anyway I get nervous at the test time =P

I take all the tests and.....I PASS!!!!! \o/

I was so happy that I didn`t mind about the ugliest pic that I get on my drivers license....Oh gosh I`m very very red on the pic I don`t know why. I runaway to show my pic to Laura and her host family, after all they stay with me every weekend.

After that I run to my home to show to my host family, thay get very happy for me....I think that what gave me luck was Alicia kiss and she sayin Good Luck Juliana =)

My babys went to the doctor and they get 4 shots each on the leg....they were with black spots on the leg....poor guys

They went to the lake, and I want to show everybody my diver`s license, so I made Laura go with me in the Irish Pub with me, than all girls went too, was very cool and very funny!!!

There was a lot of kilty guys to Paty and Ayala the high point was the drunk girl!!!

This is a girl that fall by herself from the seat that she was, sudenly we look for her and she was kissing a guy....and than she past out....hit her head...and cut the head...started to bleed...they call the firemans...police....and everything....everybody was worried about the girl and the girls start to look for the lol.....after that went to home!!!!

but what a scene...the girl went out of the PUB with an ambulance because the paramedics said that she was too drunk to say what she was feeling for real!!!

I sleep at Laura`s house and went to the lake....the lake was very fun....and its a very long estorie and its very late i`ll let to tell this on the next post...I hope that I can do that on this week!!!!